Sex Trade Resources for Educating and Empowering Together.

The STREET program aims to provide immediate services and outreach supports to all individuals involved in the sex trade.

The STREET team recognizes that working in the sex trade is a choice for some. For others, it is not; therefore, the team works from a harm-reduction perspective to keep all individuals as safe as possible no matter where they are in their journey. The team also recognizes that not all individual’s needs are the same and that participants are the experts in their own lives and experiences. By working closely with individuals to support along their journey, we can ensure that all individuals accessing our services receive the support that they feel is best for them at the time. By supporting in this way we can ensure that appropriate referrals are made to community partners so that our participants can flourish. STREET operates on an evidence-based, person-centred, and human-rights mandate that is inclusive to all communities, persons, and experiences while remaining respectful and accountable to vulnerable populations who are most at-risk of sex trafficking and related exploitation.

The STREET Program can assist with:

  • Case management
  • Guidance through the criminal justice system
  • Court support
  • Counselling and therapy
  • Healthcare and addictions support
  • Access to transportation and relocation supports
  • Assistance with accessing shelter services
  • Emotional support.

STREET also runs a monthly support group for individuals who have lost loved ones to homicide. The Circle: Victims of Homicide group meets monthly for a meal and a sharing circle to discuss anything that may be going on for them. This group is open to any and all individuals who are dealing with the grief and loss of having a loved one go missing or fall victim to homicide.

STREET Coordinator: Felicia Ricard, BSW RSW
Phone: 780-722-0261